Why we need six honest serving men to solve the pensions challenge

Thanks to Rudyard Kipling’s six honest serving men we have a mindset, toolset and skill set to understand and solve the challenges that face our pension funds.

What – to repair the deficit and improve member security.


Why – to make sure there is enough money to pay all the pensioners and members of the pension fund.


When – in the next “ten” years. See why in the importance of SMART goal setting


How – by agreeing a clear and coherent roadmap to take the pension fund from where it is now i.e. not enough money to meet the liabilities and too much investment risk and deficit volatility to where it wants to be i.e fully funded where there is enough money to pay all the pensioners and members of the pension fund with minimal investment risk.


Where – in this day and age it’s local and global. The board meetings and decisions will be decided at the companies offices or their advisors offices or via conference call, the pensioners will be paid around the UK and possibly overseas and finally the money will be invested globally by fund managers around the world.


Who – the board of trustees and the sponsor need to agree a Road Map in the form of a Pension Risk Management Framework which gives both sides a collective goal. This may be done with the support of a team of advisors (lawyers, actuaries, investment consultants, covenant advisors) and implemented by a team of fund managers which may be controlled and implemented by an in house team and their advisors or a fiduciary manager.